How do example Cancer Symptoms In Children?

Date commemorate February 15 as the Children's Cancer Day International, to remind all of us will be the increasing cases of childhood cancer. An estimated 2-4% of overall cancer attack children. Although these numbers appear small, but contribute 10% of cancer deaths in children. And according to data from 2007, in Indonesia each year found about 4,100 cancer patients a new child.

Not yet known what causes certain cancers in children. Cancer that attacks since the baby was born, it is suspected of irregularities due to the growth of the cells genetic defects in the womb. In children is greater, is alleged to pemicunya environmental factors and children's food is not healthy. Can be also due to radiation or viral infection. Or blend between genetic factors, environment, radiation, and infection.

Cancer is found most often in children is a blood cancer or leukemia (25-30%), followed by retinoblastoma (eye cancer retina), limfoma (lymph gland cancer), neuroblastoma (nerve cancer), kidney cancer (Wilms tumor) , rabdomiosarkoma (lurik muscle cancer), and osteosarkoma (bone cancer).

As with adults, cancer in children most likely to be cured if found early in the stadium. But early detection of cancer to children is not easy, because children can not understand the symptoms and told dirasakannya. Therefore the role of people in the surrounding areas is very important in detecting the symptoms of cancer.
READ MORE - How do example Cancer Symptoms In Children?

Early detection of bowel cancer/kanker usus besar

Causes and symptoms
So far, the causes of colon cancer is not known exactly. However, there are several things that supposedly show strong potential malignant disease, namely: how the wrong diet (too many high fat foods and protein, and low fiber), Obesity (overweight), was exposed to colon cancer, comes from family have a history of colon cancer, has been on intestinal polyp, age (risk increases at age above 50 years), rarely do physical activity, often exposed to preservative and food coloring is not for food, and smoking.

In the book Management Guide Adenokarsinoma Kolorektal mentioned that although the research does not indicate the beginning of the relationship with smoking incident colon cancer, but the latest research shows, long-term smokers (30-40 years) have a risk ranging 1,5-3 times. Estimated, one out of five cases of colon cancer in the United States can diatributkan to the smoker. Kohort research and case-control design with a good show, smoking-related increase in adenoma risk terbentuknya and also increase the risk of adenoma changes into colon cancer. Because''to prevent the occurrence of the incident colon cancer is recommended not to smoke,''said Aru. About the symptoms of colon cancer, Aru mention some of the things that often dikeluhkan the people, namely:


Bleeding in the colon is marked with the blood found at the time feses defecate.


Changes in bowel function (diarrhea or constipation) without a clear reason, more than six weeks.


Decrease body weight without a clear reason.


Pain in the stomach or the back.


Stomach still felt full even have defecate.


Feeling tired of constantly


Sometimes cancer can be a barrier in the colon that appears on some symptoms such as constipation, pain, and the feeling in the stomach kembung.

To handle the large bowel cancer, according to Aru, surgical therapy is the most effective way, especially if done on the disease that still terlokalisir. However, if you happen Metastasis (the spread), the handling became more difficult. However, with the development of chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the moment, allows people with stadium information on the case or kekambuhan to undergo therapy adjuvan. Terapi adjuvan chemotherapy is given after the action on the operation of cancer patients stadium III to kill leftover cancer cells.

Currently, adjuvan therapy can be done without a needle (infus), but with the oral / tablets (Capacitabine). Availability capacitabine tablet allows patients to undergo chemotherapy in the home, of course, better effectiveness. Capacitabine''is also an oral chemotherapy that is safe and work up to the cancer cells,''said Aru who also served as chairman of the Commission Terapi Adjuvan, Working Group Adenokarsinoma Kolorektal Indonesia.

Jurus prevent colon cancer
Far better to prevent rather than treat. It also applies to colon cancer. So that is not touchable to kill this disease, do prevention efforts. See the prevention tips from doctors Adil S Pasaribu SPB KBD following:


Avoid high fat foods, protein, calories, and red meat. Do not forget calcium consumption and acid folat.


After the recommended polipektomi adenoma of calcium supplements.


Suplementasi also suggested vitamin E, and D.


Eating fruit and vegetables every day.


Pertahankan Body Mass Index between 18.5 - 25.0 kg/m2 throughout life.


Make physical activity, such is not the way most rapid 30 minutes a day.


Avoid smoking habits.


Immediately kolonoskopi do polipektomi on the patient and found that the polyp.


Make early detection blood tests with the blind since the age of 40 years.
READ MORE - Early detection of bowel cancer/kanker usus besar

Factors that cause Kanker Rahim

Sometimes you do not realize that the habits that you often do in fact trigger the emergence of a cancer in your womb. Indeed, this is not entirely wrong you, it may be because of your ignorance. One habit that is often made the women, for example because you want to always appear clean, so often vaginanya washing with antiseptic. In fact what is done without any advice and suggestion from the doctor.

Another example is that you often sprinkle powder on the baby powder that you also enter a custom category in the womb, triggering the emergence of cancer. According to Dr. Nasdaldy, SpOG in a seminar held in Dharmais RS, that is very important because the prevention terpaparnya prevent automated akan yng substance that causes cancer to grow and spread wide. Early prevention can be a way to avoid actions that trigger the self-examined or if there are symptoms of pain or pain around the belly or womb.

Based on the description of some doctors in the hospital Dharmais, there are some habits to avoid attacks from womb cancer.


Nicotine, in principle, facilitate all mucous cells or inflame the body reacts. Especially in the throat, lungs and uterus neck. The more nicotine that you hisap then more and more absorbed by the throat, the more likely a result of this three organs that terkontaminasi.

Cleaning the vagina

Various special brand antiseptic cleaning vagina in the market with the slogan of the ad is very tempt. While the antiseptic chemicals will cause irritation in the uterus neck. Often tempted by the women washing label drug seems capable of killing bacteria in the vagina. But there are bacteria in the vagina called Basillus Doderlain, laktat of acid functions of the vagina to maintain humidity.

Sprinkle powder in vagina

Always bring freshness akan effects comfortable for us. Similarly, if you really want to always keep you fresh vagina, it is usually like menaburinya with the powder. However, apparently in addition to the desired robustness to possible exposure ovarium cancer (ovary). Because if there is one grain of powder is attached, it will cause an infection and injury in the ovarium.

Low-fat diet

Fat produces hormones estrogen potential, if too many fatty foods and even more estrogen. If the endometrium (the body of the womb) exposure to this hormone by the rapid change of form into cancer. So eating patterns are related to the possibility you have a cancer.

Feed vitamin Stabilkan

Because terlena by the tasty food-tasty, sometimes Feed vitamin so forgotten. Vitamin that is often forgotten but very important to improve and strengthen mukosa, neck material in the womb is vitamin C, karotein heavy and sour folat. If you lack vitamin-vitamin, then you do not close the possibility of also fell ill akan uterus neck cancer. For that perbanyaklah to eat vegetables and vitamin C.
READ MORE - Factors that cause Kanker Rahim

PROBLEMS early detection And treatment Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that is often found in Indonesian society and a place to occupy the two most cancer after neck womb.

World Health Organization (WHO) reported. In 1989 there were 7 million new patients each year and 5 million people die due to breast cancer.

Globally in the last 15 years this frequency has been increasing, especially in the developed world (Europe / Americas / on the status of women with a high socio-economic). And according to recent surveys in the world every three minutes found a new breast cancer every 11 minutes and found a woman died because of breast cancer.

MOTTO saying that "prevention is better than the treatment for breast cancer is still difficult to apply at this time we can prevent the possible aspects of" life style "and it reduces the RISK factor that allows breast cancer arises. Our ability to prevent breast cancer is still limited. Research on this matter are still ongoing (factor biomolekuler).

Thus, the only effort to increase the number of healing patients with breast cancer is cancer found in the stadium as early as possible.

Problem in breast cancer to be greater because more than 70% of patients come to doctors in the stadium that is more, this will vary with the country's progress in Japan for example, breast cancer is found only go as much as 13% only.

Some of the factors that caused, among other things:

1. People do not know / understand less about breast cancer.

2. Less attention to breast.

3. Fear akan operation.

4. Believe witch / Paranormal / traditional therapy.

5. The social / economic development.

6. Shame to let the breast or (Tabu).

Early discovery of breast cancer that may be diagnosed and treated in the correct and optimal stadium I will add to life expectancy and healing: 10 years for the 70-80% stages I, II stadium for 43%, stages III <11.2% and 0% for stadium IV.

Mechanism for the occurrence of breast cancer

Knowledge about the disease, particularly cancer in the breast cancer is growing rapidly of late it's because most of the disease state is infection dibanyak can be controlled so that the funds for research on the causes of cancer more. Moreover, with the development of medical science, especially basic science of genetics is opening the way to find out more cancer disease problem from the point of biomolekuler.

Theory of genetic causes of cancer said that terbentuknya tumor cells is as a result of a genetic aberration in such a way cause cell division to be excessive and not restrained.

Risk factors emergence Payudara On Women's Cancer

Women over the age of 30 years.

Women who are married.

Women who marry but have no children.

Never feed a child.

Repeatedly experienced trauma in the breast.

History, family history / family disease of cancer.

Menstruasi at a very young age.

Women who experience mental disturbances (such as heavy stress).

Lesi fibrokistik suffered a heavy.


Breast treatment alone (SARARI, realized), it is very important to the communities is recommended because almost 86% benjolan found in the breast by the patient himself.

American Cancer Society in breast cancer screening project recommends the following in women although not found any complaint:

Women> 20 years do SARARI every three months.

Women> 35 years - 40 years old do mammografi.

Women> 40 years to check up on your doctor experts.

Women> 50 years old check-up routine / mammografi each year.

Women who have high risk factors (such as families who have suffered from cancer) to the examination the doctor more regularly and more often.

Techniques SARARI

1. Standing in front of the mirror with the chest open.

Under the arm: big breast compare left and right, look at putting susu, the form of normal or not.

Arms above head: look at things such as the above again.

2. Lie down (preferably with a little diganjal neck pillow)

With the fingers II-IV is done on all breast palpability own play from top to bottom from the center to the edge.

Type-Type Tumor Payudara

Benjolan dense breasts on the women could be caused by the deviation of a benign or a malignant aberration.

Deviation of a violent:

The type of breast cancer histopatologi manifold, including:

1. Derived from duktus (channel), among others:

Karsinoma intra duktal

Karsinoma schirous

Karsinoma Medulare

Paget disease

2. Comes from the lobus

Karsinoma lobuler

Stadium on breast cancer

For the purposes of treatment and prognosis breast cancer divided by 4 stages, namely:

Stadium I: tumor size less than 2 cm and there is no

dissemination to other organs and in the lymph gland

clavicula supra.

Stadium II: tumor size between 2-5 cm and there is no spread of the

other organs and lymph dikelenjar supra clavicula.

Stadium III: tumor size more than 5 cm and there is no spread of

in other organs or lymph clavicula supra.

Stadium IV: tumor size seberapapun when there is already in the distribution

other organs or lymph gland in the supra clavicula abdomen into the stadium IV

Cancer Medicine Scheme Payudara

In general breast cancer treatment that is agreed by cancer experts in the world is as follows:

Stadium I: Operation chemotherapy (optional)

Stadium II: Operation chemotherapy (+ hormonal)

Kemotherapi operation + radiation (+ hormonal)

Stadium IV: chemotherapy radiation (+ hormonal)
READ MORE - PROBLEMS early detection And treatment Breast cancer

Breast cancer

For the majority of the people, vonis cancer can mean the end of everything, as if the death of open road in front of the eye. The progress of medical technology allows the cancer can be detected earlier and the spread of cancer cells can dihambat age more quickly so that life expectancy is longer. In addition, the will to live is the primary therapy of treatment kanker.Satu the only business that can be done is to find breast cancer as early as possible so that therapy can be done to help someone to extend the life expectancy age. "Death can happen at any time and need not be suffering from cancer," that there are some breast cancer patients who recover completely after the mastektomi. This happens because the child sebar of cancer cells does not exist. So mastektomi done so, cancer cells are actually lost. However, he recognizes the cancer cell is a cell that is unique. There have been cases where a patient who has been appointed kankernya cells 20 years ago suddenly came to the practice room and complained about the pain. Then they found that cancer cells that have disappeared 20 years ago appeared in a different place. "We call this double primary," Until now, the frequency of breast cancer reached 20 percent of all cancer disease. According to World Health Organization (WHO), every year the number of people with breast cancer increased about 7 million. Surveys show the world the last 3 minutes each found people with breast cancer every 11 minutes and found a woman died due to breast cancer.
While in Indonesia, the average breast cancer is 10 to 100 thousand women, the disease is in the second disease of cancer which was found after oral cancer rahim.bahwa women should not underestimate if there benjolan in payudaranya. Although not all benjolan in breast cancer means, but there is no one to do the examination and so can be treated quickly.
Benjolan addition, other things that need to be suspected on the breast is a cyst with fluid out of the nipple. Strengthened with the discovery of signs of the spread of cancer cells when examined with USG or mamografi.
Even from the experience, Sutjipto can ensure a benjolan on breast cancer or not is only through touch. "If benjolan is held and felt hard as potatoes or meatball which is in the refrigerator, it can be ascertained benjolan is cancer," If cancer cells are at early stages to 3 stages of the therapy be performed surgery, chemotherapy (drug delivery antikanker), radiation or hormonal therapy. "But if the stadium has reached 4, we can not do anything, except for chemotherapy and radiation," Until the mid-19th century, breast cancer treatment is done only with the adoption tumor only and not effective. The average patient died in the first year or more recurrence. Year 1863, scientists from the UK. Sir James Paget-operative actions suggest a wider, but it is also not successful. Then between the years 1875-1882, Dr. Charles H. Moore doing therapy with the entire network breast, with the popular term mastektomi. "But this was not successful because the cancer cells to grow again in the armpit to the shoulder blade," said Sutjipto. Years 1875-1882, conducted with the therapy and the lifting mastektomi lymph gland in the armpit.
When the therapy is not successful, Dr. Wilham appear with Halsted radical ideas mastektomi in the year 1882. Mastektomi radical surgery is not only the entire network breast, but also muscle network in the back of the breast. Result, the skin becomes very thin rib bones until seen by the naked eye. side effects of radical mastektomi this is a big hand.
Syukurlah, "the story creeps" Halsted is now unnecessary since going radiotherapy technology found around 1940s. Breast cancer patients "only" need to undergo regular mastektomi followed by radiation therapy pascapembedahan. In addition, drug discovery antikanker since 25 years ago has been able to reduce the possibility of kambuhnya cancer. if a breast cancer patient to Eastern Therapy, the treatment plant using the traditional formula or other therapy that can be believed cure. "If he believes that with therapy, just please," he said. However, in addition to the traditional therapy, the patient should also perform medical therapy, popular with Western term Therapy. Because with medical therapy, at least, doctors can track the spread of scientific and cancer cells to treatment formula that has been tested for their accuracy. "Until now, there has been no case in which medical treatment collide with traditional treatment,"
READ MORE - Breast cancer

Pengertian kanker

Kanker or Cancer is a multitude of diseases marked by cell division that is not restrained and the cells the ability to attack other biological networks, either directly with the growth in the adjacent network (invasion) or with cell migration to a remote place (Metastasis). Growth is not restrained due to damage DNA, causing mutation in the genes that control vital cell division. Some fruit mutation may be required to change normal cells into cancer cells. Mutation, mutation is often caused chemical or physical agents called karsinogen. Mutation can occur spontaneously (obtained) or inherited (germline mutation). Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of the malignancy and whether there Metastasis. Determine a diagnosis that usually require examination mikroskopik network obtained with the biopsy. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy and / or radiation.

Terawat if you do not, cause the most cancer deaths, cancer is one of the main causes of death in developing countries. Most cancers can be treated and cured, especially when the treatment started early. Many forms of cancer associated with environmental factors that can actually be avoided. Smoking tobacco can cause cancer of the many other environmental factors.

Tumor (Latin; swelling) refers to the mass of the network is not normal, but can be "vicious" (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous). Only the malignant tumor is able to attack other networks or bermetastasis.
READ MORE - Pengertian kanker

Artikel kanker

Here are some things you need to know about cancer.

1. Everyone has cancer cells in the body. Cancer cells are not visible in the standard tests until they become a breeding bermilyar billion. When doctors told cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it means that the test is not able to detect the cancer cells because cancer cells is not up to the amount that can be predicted.
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to 10 times in human life.
3. When the human body strong immunity, cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from breeding, and tumor formation.
4. When a contract cancer, have indicated the various interference nutrition. This can be caused by a genetic factor, environment, food and lifestyle.
5. To cope with various disturbances nutrition, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune immunity.
6. Cancer chemotherapy involving toxic cells that grow quickly and also damage the healthy cells that grow quickly in the bone marrow, organs, and in part may cause damage to organs such as liver, kidney, heart, lungs, etc..
7. Radiation when the cancer cells, as well as burning and damaging healthy cells, organs and network.
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However, the use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in a prolonged tumor destruction.
9. When the body has many poisons that have burned due to chemotherapy and radiation, the immune system so it will be weak from a variety of infections and complications.
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells bermutasi and become resistant and difficult destroyed. Surgery can also cause cancer cells spread to other parts.
11. An effective way is to make the cancer cells by not hungry, give food that can cause breeding.
12. Animal protein digested and difficult to require a lot of enzyme digestion. Meat that is not perfectly digested, the rest in the bowels of the order to build a poison.
13. Wall dialasi cancer by protein respite. Maintain themselves by eating less meat can deliver enzyme to the protein walls of cancer cells and killer cells in the body destroy cancer cells.
14. Some supplements build immunity immune (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti oksidan, vitamins, minerals, EFA, etc.) and lets a killer cells in the body destroy cancer cells. Supplements, supplements such as vitamin E known to cause apoptosis, or cell death programming, method of placement of normal body cells are damaged, unwanted or not needed.
15. Cancer is penyakin mind, body and soul. The spirit of proactive and make positive akan selamat. Anger, bitterness does not forgive and to put the body is fully stress. Study the spirit of love and have a pardon. Study relax and enjoy life.
16. Cancer cells can not grow in the fertile environment beroksigen. Exercise every day, and breathing with the help get more oxygen. Oxygen therapy is a way to destroy cancer cells.


* Sugar is a cancer victim. By reducing the sugar, then reduce the supply of food is also important for cancer cells. Sugar substitute such as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with the dangerous and aspartam. Natural substitute for the better can be a honey or sugar cane molasses, but in a very little amount. Table salt have any additional chemicals to make the color white. Alternative that is better with the salt sea.
* Milk makes the body produce mucus, especially in the organ part in the. Cancer diumpan by mucus. With the susu susu and replace with fresh soybean cell cancer akan hunger.
* Cells with cancer to grow in fertile acid environment. Anti-meat diet is the acid, it is best to eat fish and chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics and hormones that cause a dangerous parasite, particularly for people with cancer.
* Diet with 80% fresh vegetables and fruits, grains and nuts help the body in Alkaline environment. 20% can be obtained from its cooked food including beans. Provide fresh vegetables enzyme that life was easy in 15 minutes to maintain and enhance the growth of healthy cells. To obtain the enzyme of life to build healthy cells, try to drink fresh vegetable juice (including kacang2an all vegetables) and eat raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Temperature on the enzyme is broken 104 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees Celsius.
* Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is the best alternative that has penumpas cancer cells. The best drink of clean water or water that has been filtered to avoid poisons and heavy metals in tap water.
READ MORE - Artikel kanker

What is breast cancer/kanker payudara?

When on a place in our body there are cells growth excessive, it will happen benjolan or a tumor. This tumor can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumor that is what is called a cancer. Malignant tumor that typically have a nature, that is to be spread wide in all other parts of the body to develop into a new tumor. This is called the spread metastase. Cancer has characteristics that vary. There is growing rapidly, there is a growing not too fast, such as breast cancer.

Breast cancer cells that can grow to become the first tumor of 1 cm at the time of 8-12 years. Cell cancer is still on the breast gland. Cellular breast cancer can spread through the bloodstream to the entire body. When the distribution is in progress, we do not know. Breast cancer cells can lurk in our bodies for years without us know, and suddenly become active malignant tumor or cancer.

The development of cancer

Stadium I (early stages)

The amount of tumor is not more than 2 - 2.25 cm, and there is no dissemination (metastase) lymph gland in the armpit. At the stadium I, the possibility of healing is a perfect 70%. To check or not metastase to the body of another, must be examined in the laboratory.

Stadium II

Tumor is greater than 2.25 cm and metastase have occurred in the lymph gland in the armpit. At this stadium, it is possible to recover only 30 - 40% depending on the extent of the spread of cancer cells. At the stadium I and II, the operation is usually done to raise cancer cells that exist in the distribution of the whole, and after the irradiation operation is done to ensure no more cancer cells are left behind.

Stadium III

Tumor is quite large, the cancer cells have spread to the entire body, and the possibility to recover the bone. Treatment breast means there is no more. Treatment is usually only done radio and chemotherapie (the drugs that can kill cancer cells). Sometimes surgery is also done to lift the breast which is worse. This business just to prevent the development of cancer cells in the body and to alleviate the suffering of patients as closely as possible.

Prevention early

Need to know, that 9 of 10 women find the benjolan in payudaranya. For early prevention, can be done alone. Checks should be completed after the menstruasi. Before menstruasi, breasts swell slightly, so make the examination. How the examination is as follows:

* Stand in front of the mirror and see whether there is difference in the breast. Usually the second breast is not the same, putingnya also not located at the same altitude. Note whether there are wrinkles, indentation, or attracted to the hilt in the susu. If there is a deviation, or exit the fluid or blood from nipple, flee to go to the doctor.
* Put both arms above the head and note again the second breast.
* Bungkukkan body to depend on breast down, and check again.
* Berbaringlah in bed and place the left hand behind the head, and a pillow under the left shoulder. Rabalah left breast with the right fingers. Check whether there benjolan on the breast. And also check whether there benjolan or swelling in the left axilla.
* Check and rabalah nipple and surrounding areas. In general, when the gland susu be touched with the fingers hands will feel spongy and easily moved. When the tumor is, it will feel hard and can not be moved (can not be moved from its place). When you feel there is a benjolan of 1 cm or more, go to the doctor flee. The early handling, the more likely to recover the perfect
* Do the same thing for the right breast and axilla.

Treatment information

When the benjolan found, doctors will usually recommend to do the examination mammografie. Mammografie breast examination is a tool with the rays and how the examination is a simple, no pain, and only takes 5 - 10 minutes. Best time to undergo the examination mammografie is a week after menstruasi. How is putting breast alternately between 2 pieces of litter, and then made the image rays from top to bottom and from left to right. Results this photo will be reviewed by expert doctors Radiology. A benjolan of 0.25 cm can be seen on mammogram.

Alternatively the operation is to take a small example network (biopsy) from benjolan, then examined under the microscope in pathology anatomy laboratory. When known and ascertained that it is benjolan cancer, the breast should be lifted entirely to avoid the spread to other parts of the body.

Who should undergo examination mammografie?

* Women aged over 50 years.
* Women who have a mother or sister who had suffered breast cancer.
* Women who had one of the pickup payudaranya. Women in this group must be in strict control.
* Women who had never delivered a child. In fact, often found in this group of breast cancer.
READ MORE - What is breast cancer/kanker payudara?

What the children's cancer symptoms include:

a. Blood Cancer (leukemia)
Symptoms of retinoblastoma: shimmer like opal. (Photo: Daisy)

Symptoms and the need to diwaspadai often found in leukemia, among others, face pale, listless, weak, fever is not clear and is not cured by antibiotics, the bleeding is not clear, the surface skin appear livid livid when not stumble, prompting members of pain (bone ), stomach swelling / hard, lymph gland enlargement.

b. Brain cancer
Symptoms that should be diwaspadai is a headache that the longer the heavy, accompanied by nausea and vomiting due to the pressure hose from the increase in the head. Can also talk with interference, vision disturbances, balance disturbances, convulsions, decrease awareness, and even changes in behavior can occur. The baby is in special ubun-ubunnya appear prominent.

c. Retina Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma)
Cancer is most often attacked babies aged 6 months-2 years. Symptoms that need to diwaspadai is The speck of white in the middle of the eye as if a light shines when (such as opal). Other symptoms of vision is delayed, sudden-eyed, and at the stadium go eyeball protruding out.

d. Cancer lymph nodes (Limfoma Maligna)
Cancer is the most children age 5-7 years. Symptoms that should happen is when diwaspadai progressive gland swelling lymph-gland in the neck, axilla, and the intestine, without the pain and inflammation. When you arise in the lymph gland in the intestine, can cause the intestine sumbatan with symptoms of stomachache, vomiting, unable to defecate, and fever. When grown in the chest, can encourage the breath or pressing the channel, so that the patient experienced shortness of breath and face turn. In addition, children appear weak, listless, and decreased appetite.

e. Saraf cancer (Neuroblastoma)
Cancer simpatis this nerve can occur in different parts of the body. In the children most often occur near the kidneys, the lumbar region, in the neck or chest cavity, and eyes. If there are areas in the eye, can make the ball protruding eyes, eyelid swelling, and blue, or the lid down, and widen pupil. When found in the spine, can press spinal cord and cause paralysis fast. Distribution of the bones can cause a fracture without reason, without pain, so people suddenly limp. Other symptoms appear is benjolan-benjolan in the head, stomach or belly and hard.

f. Kidney cancer (Nefroblastoma)
Nefroblastoma often called Wilms Tumor is the most children aged 3-4 years, but can also attack the new born baby. Symptoms are marked with bloody urine, malaise in the stomach, and when the stomach is quite large and appear to swell teraba hard.

g. Muscle cancer (Rabdomiosarkoma)
Cancer can strike anywhere in the muscles, usually in children in the area of the head, neck, bladder, prostat, and vagina. Symptoms depend on the location of the accrued. In the eye socket, can cause eye protruding out, benjolan in the eyes. In the ear causing pain or discharge of blood from the ear hole. Channel in the urine cause interference berkemih. If the members lurik muscle movement, cause swelling.

h. Cancer dislocated (Osteosarkoma)
Osteosarkoma usually attack children aged 10-20 years. Can attack every part of the bones, but most are found in the leg, arm, and pinggul. Usually marked by pain and swelling on the bone. Sometimes didahului concussion, such as the fall of the causes are not clear.

If you find symptoms like the above on the baby and your children, consult the doctor immediately. Treated in essentially the same as the adults, the combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplants.

Are prevention efforts that can be done is, pregnant mothers should avoid radiation, avoid pollution and cigarette smoke, always eat healthy foods and avoid foods that contain chemicals, a reduced consumption of fat, and get children to live healthy, eat healthy food, protection from pollution.
READ MORE - What the children's cancer symptoms include:
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