Early detection of bowel cancer/kanker usus besar

Causes and symptoms
So far, the causes of colon cancer is not known exactly. However, there are several things that supposedly show strong potential malignant disease, namely: how the wrong diet (too many high fat foods and protein, and low fiber), Obesity (overweight), was exposed to colon cancer, comes from family have a history of colon cancer, has been on intestinal polyp, age (risk increases at age above 50 years), rarely do physical activity, often exposed to preservative and food coloring is not for food, and smoking.

In the book Management Guide Adenokarsinoma Kolorektal mentioned that although the research does not indicate the beginning of the relationship with smoking incident colon cancer, but the latest research shows, long-term smokers (30-40 years) have a risk ranging 1,5-3 times. Estimated, one out of five cases of colon cancer in the United States can diatributkan to the smoker. Kohort research and case-control design with a good show, smoking-related increase in adenoma risk terbentuknya and also increase the risk of adenoma changes into colon cancer. Because''to prevent the occurrence of the incident colon cancer is recommended not to smoke,''said Aru. About the symptoms of colon cancer, Aru mention some of the things that often dikeluhkan the people, namely:


Bleeding in the colon is marked with the blood found at the time feses defecate.


Changes in bowel function (diarrhea or constipation) without a clear reason, more than six weeks.


Decrease body weight without a clear reason.


Pain in the stomach or the back.


Stomach still felt full even have defecate.


Feeling tired of constantly


Sometimes cancer can be a barrier in the colon that appears on some symptoms such as constipation, pain, and the feeling in the stomach kembung.

To handle the large bowel cancer, according to Aru, surgical therapy is the most effective way, especially if done on the disease that still terlokalisir. However, if you happen Metastasis (the spread), the handling became more difficult. However, with the development of chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the moment, allows people with stadium information on the case or kekambuhan to undergo therapy adjuvan. Terapi adjuvan chemotherapy is given after the action on the operation of cancer patients stadium III to kill leftover cancer cells.

Currently, adjuvan therapy can be done without a needle (infus), but with the oral / tablets (Capacitabine). Availability capacitabine tablet allows patients to undergo chemotherapy in the home, of course, better effectiveness. Capacitabine''is also an oral chemotherapy that is safe and work up to the cancer cells,''said Aru who also served as chairman of the Commission Terapi Adjuvan, Working Group Adenokarsinoma Kolorektal Indonesia.

Jurus prevent colon cancer
Far better to prevent rather than treat. It also applies to colon cancer. So that is not touchable to kill this disease, do prevention efforts. See the prevention tips from doctors Adil S Pasaribu SPB KBD following:


Avoid high fat foods, protein, calories, and red meat. Do not forget calcium consumption and acid folat.


After the recommended polipektomi adenoma of calcium supplements.


Suplementasi also suggested vitamin E, and D.


Eating fruit and vegetables every day.


Pertahankan Body Mass Index between 18.5 - 25.0 kg/m2 throughout life.


Make physical activity, such is not the way most rapid 30 minutes a day.


Avoid smoking habits.


Immediately kolonoskopi do polipektomi on the patient and found that the polyp.


Make early detection blood tests with the blind since the age of 40 years.
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